Handmade Pre-Made Logo Designs (new!)

I have quickly found that making Pre-Made Logo's is super fun (and addicting!). I have been enjoying the process of using my own art and then putting a logo together with (said) art.

When I first started making digital designs (and logos), I used to purchase graphics packs (with licensing) to use in my designs. Over time, I quickly became more drawn to using my own handmade art vs purchasing "stock" art.

I mean, I am an artist... So it didn't feel right to be using other commercially used art for my own designs.

So last year I started weeding out those old designs in favor of my own.

There is just something to be said when I create a design for someone or I list a design in the shop when it's something that I created from start to finish... It's a pretty good feeling and I love learning the balance between painting and sketching and graphic design and using both, together, for projects and branding for other small businesses.

The process starts with going through which paintings and drawings I want to use.

Then I scan them in and then use Photoshop to clean them up (because if we're being honest, my scanner is kinda -meh- ... it's not the worst but it's not the best but the most important thing is that it does work so... there's that!).

Once I am done with cleaning them up in PS, I save the files to my art folder and then I start creating a logo and the end results... A completed, Pre-Made Logo design! These designs will be listed in the shop in the (pre-made logos) section by tomorrow afternoon!!

I also hope to start selling my art as well. I know I have gotten a few comments on social media about whether I sell prints of my paintings but at this time, I do not. I am on the hunt for a good printing service (cause my printer sucks haha!). So if anyone knows of a good place that will print art pieces (and print them well), please let me know!

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