Crystals & Stones Graphics Bundle

I started my little collection of crystals about a year or so ago... We have a little rock shop, locally (literally, it's named "The Rock Shop") and whenever we're over that way, we head on it to see what little crystals and stones we can find.

I'm a bit of a nature freak. I feel as though everything is connected and a part of me feels that these stones have some sort of unique energy to them. I charge them under a full moon and keep them close when I need them.

I've been wanting to create this graphics set for a while now but never had the chance to really sit down and just do it.

Finally, I had some moments to myself and I was feeling a bit inspired so I started sketching!

I now have a complete set of crystals & stones listed in the shop.

This set is packed full of various sized crystals as well as frames, photoshop brushes (of each crystal) and patterns.

This set comes with some crystal clusters but you can also make your own crystal clusters with the individually sized crystals. Mix & match and get creative with your projects.

For more info and a detailed breakdown of what is included with this set, head over to the shop for the full-length description and listing photos: Crystals & Stones Graphics Bundle

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